
Strike Fallout: From the NY Times

Now that the writers' strike is almost over, what's going on with your fave shows? Will the new ones get another chance? Will they just be scrapped? Read on...

The new shows that I was watching in the fall and their fates are below. I am concerned that Journeyman isn't even mentioned. Of the ones mentioned, the only one I am really heartbroken about not coming back is Bionic Woman. Looks like Mom was right...very few of the brand new shows are going to get a fair chance. It does look like Moonlight will be around, though, Mama. :)

Dirty Sexy Money -ABC
- Three episodes remain; airdates are unknown
Fate: Mercury News: “Will be rebooted in the fall”

Pushing Daisies -ABC
- In repeats
Fate: Will likely return in the fall

Cane -CBS
- In repeats; off the schedule
Fate: Unlikely to return

Reaper -CW
- Two or three episodes remain
Fate: Fate is unclear

Bionic Woman -NBC
- In repeats; off the schedule
Fate: Unlikely to return

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